✅Granting your company, the status of Gin Box Partner

✅Mention of the partner in all fair press releases

✅Granting the partner, the right to use the fair logo indicating their status in their advertising campaign

✅Right to distribute partner’s advertising materials by promoters from the partner on the fairgrounds

✅Provision of half a page in the electronic fair participant catalog for information and logo placement

✅The opportunity to increase brand awareness among officials, bloggers, influencers, VIP guests and embassies worldwide


Partner’s logo BEFORE the exhibition:

✅In the official electronic exhibition catalog under the “Partners” section with status indication

✅On the official exhibition website on the “Partners” page with a hyperlink to the partner company’s website

✅In official press releases and posts of the exhibition


Partner’s logo AT the exhibition:

✅On street banners and posters

✅On the exhibition pavilion map

✅On navigation banners throughout the exhibition grounds

✅In the electronic catalog


Additional opportunities provided to the partner:

✅Placement of a promotional video (10 sec) on screens and in social media of the fair

Statistics of TITF-2024


Participated companies


Signed contracts




Media coverage