✅Granting your company the status of a fashion show partner

✅Providing an advertising island for a fashion show partner

✅Indication of the partner in all press releases of the fair

✅Granting the partner the right to use the fair logo with the status indication in their advertising campaign

✅Providing the opportunity to announce the leading partner of a fashion show at a show

✅Providing the partner with 1 (one) spread in the fair participants’ catalog for posting information and a logo

✅The right to distribute partner’s promotional materials by promoters on the fair territory

✅Article/interview in a special issue of Uzbekistan Travel magazine dedicated to TITF 2023

✅Placement of the partner’s logo on an advertising banner (3×2 m) in the registration area and hanging banners in the pavilions

✅Provision of 2 (two) invitation cards for the evening reception on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan Placement of the partner’s logo in the invitation to the fashion show

Placement of the logo of the partner of the fashion show in advertising materials

✅In the program of the event

✅On street banners and posters

✅On the official website of the fair

✅On the banner at the opening ceremony

✅On the banner in the registration area of the fair

✅On LED screens on the fair grounds

✅On the plan of the exhibition pavilions

Additional features provided to the partner of the fashion show

✅Placement of an advertising (30 sec) video on screens on the territory of the fair

✅Partner photo and video report (video report and package of processed photos)

Statistics of TITF-2024


Participated companies


Signed contracts




Media coverage